June 1, 2010

Congrats to the Swagbucks BeQuick winner!!!

I had my son pick a # between 1-5 (the # of referrals on SB)  and then looked up the SB referral list to see who that was. (Up until then I didn't know who any of the referrals were) Lucky #4... Melinda! :) That's my completely random low tech method!! ;) Melinda K. YOU are the big winner??? Oooh, what will you pick?? So many adorable choices AND new prints!! I'm emailing you now!! Congrats Mama and thanks to all the SB signups!! :)


Melinda said...

yay thank you! :)

The Folwellington Academy said...

Melinda chose her BeQuick in the NEW Ju Ju Be print Marvelous Mums! Great choice Melinda! I'm getting one for myself too! :)