After having several partially updated Blogs, sites, etc. over the years I have decided to consolidate and to post more often. :) Since I am everything to everyone (well, in my tiny world anyway!!) why not talk about it all in one spot?!
The main concentration of my admittedly weak blogging efforts have been my "F It List" which is the list of things I keep meaning to do but my big buts always get in the way. BUT I'm too fat. BUT I'm too busy. BUT I'll have to get a sitter. BUT I'm too old. BUT I'm too shy. BUT I'm too lazy, comfortable, complacent, afraid, etc. etc. etc. NO MORE BUTS!!!
I've made pretty good progress on some of The List (yes, I even think of it in capital letters) lately but not daily progress as was my goal for 2010. Life does tend to get in the way. Again with the BUTS. I am happy to report the following:
**I have been to the GYN for full check up. Had to go for a mammogram... ultrasound on one breast tomorrow as follow up. Ick.
**I have been to my general Doc for a full check up. I am anemic which he thinks explains my headaches and fatigue. Taking an iron supplement and go back in 3 months to check in. Everything else is ship shape despite my weight. I love Dr. Nasser and am glad I got in to see him. I feel better knowing I'm not on the verge of diabetes, etc.
**Max is in full on potty training mode. Yay!! Down to diapers at night and an accident every now and again. Luckily after the whole "missing poop" incident they have all been just wet accidents.
**TJ took me for SUSHI!! It was unexpected and really sweet of him since he normally makes fun of the list. The best part is that I LOVE IT and have been craving it ever since!!!
**House organization was going well but is back to chaos. I'm doing another kid crap purge. On the plus side the garage is all cleaned out and set up as our boxing area.
**I LOVE boxing!! It's super fun. I need to get some weights for the stand but I really do like it.
**We have plans to take the kids camping this summer (and lots of fishing trips!!)
**I have been trying to spend more time with the kids doing active stuff like bike rides with Cole or Bball with Taylor. Even TJ has been doing it too sometimes which is good.
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