My Life in 100 words or less. Or more, depending on my mood. Adventures in parenting, self discovery and self improvement. Reviews of people, places, and things. A sordid tale of an ordinary life.

March 27, 2010
Met some real life Pink Ladies!!
I got past my shyness and my anti-social tendencies and met 2 lovely PL's for coffee this morning. Brooke lives here it town and Frances was in visiting her mom. I'm so glad I went, it was fun to have some grown up convo w/ other Mom's and of course to finally meet IRL some people I've talked to online a lot! It was fun to get to check out their bags and talk about bags and not have people think I'm nuts. So chalk one up for me getting out of my comfort zone for once. :)
March 25, 2010
Wow. I posted this via text message Sunday night and it posted all wonky. So here we go again!!
1. Clean our bedroom closets.
2. Teach the boys to fly a kite.
3. Pay all the bills. (X)
4. Do the taxes.
5. Make an appt. for Riley at the Doc. (X)
6. Talk to my Doc about my test results and get the MRI scheduled.
7. Make some plans for Spring Break. (X)
8. Get the downstairs cleaned... mop floors and scrub bathrooms.
9. Get the front flowerbeds cleaned out.
10. Take TJ to lunch/dinner/coffee/movie/grocery store. Some kinda date time!
1. Clean our bedroom closets.
2. Teach the boys to fly a kite.
3. Pay all the bills. (X)
4. Do the taxes.
5. Make an appt. for Riley at the Doc. (X)
6. Talk to my Doc about my test results and get the MRI scheduled.
7. Make some plans for Spring Break. (X)
8. Get the downstairs cleaned... mop floors and scrub bathrooms.
9. Get the front flowerbeds cleaned out.
10. Take TJ to lunch/dinner/coffee/movie/grocery store. Some kinda date time!
March 19, 2010
Award winning children
Today Benji won a Character award at school. His first (he is in KG) The character trait was Respect (which now 3 of my kids have won, which makes me feel good as the Principal pointed out that in particular Respect reflects on parenting) He was so cute and so proud and even went up in front of the huge crowd to accept his certificate. He was so excited that everyone (mom, dad, Cole, Max, Gpa, and Gma) came to see him and it was fun to see him have his moment!! Maybe now he'll start to like school!! You know it's sad when he's "sick of school" and he's 5. It's feels good to have award winning kids!! ;)
Medal Count:
Riley: 1
Taylor: 2
Cole: 6 (I did mention he's perfection!)
Benji: 1
Medal Count:
Riley: 1
Taylor: 2
Cole: 6 (I did mention he's perfection!)
Benji: 1
March 18, 2010
The Many Adventures of Frick and Frack
Ben and Max are pretty much the same kid, born 3 years apart. They look exactly alike. They act exactly alike. People even ask me fairly often if they are twins. (Poor Chicken Little Benji!!) Which is why they are Frick and Frack. Also sometimes Thing 1 and Thing 2 and/or Pete and Repeat. They are inseperable and crack each other up like crazy. They also get into all sorts of mischief. Case in point: last night Ben comes in to get some new pants from the dryer.... "Why do you need new pants?" I ask, knowing I will most likely regret this. "Because Max peed on me" is his response. Now, since Max is potty training maybe this could be reasonable. Then Max saunters in with dry pants on. "How did Max pee on you?" I ask. "He pulled down his pants and peed on my leg" Ben answers. Of course he did. And there you have it, Frick and Frack at their finest. Well, the time last week when I walked by the laundry room to hear Ben say to Max, "Now, when I shut the door DON'T push any buttons because you could heat me up" whilst climbing into the dryer was pretty funny too. I really should take up drinking in the afternoon.
March 16, 2010
Enter to win a JJB Fuel Cell
The fuel cell is awesome!! We have all used it for snacks and lunches and it fits tons plus is ultra cute! I love that you can hook it over the handlebar of the stroller or the strap of a bigger diaper bag. We have 2 already (Perky and CloudBreak) so we have a girly one and a boy friendly one! They have tons of cute prints and even solids so there's something for everyone!! Mamas and Munchkins is a great web site too, tons of wonderful products/brands and great CS!!
Click the post title to be taken to the giveaway page!! Good luck!! :)
Click the post title to be taken to the giveaway page!! Good luck!! :)
mamas and munchkins
March 15, 2010
Yes that was a triumphant exclamation!! I was actually feeling fairly human today and was able to get a lot accomplished! :) Yay me!! I took Frick and Frack to Target for new shoes and the ones they picked were on sale for $8... score! Got lots of other misc. Target crap I've been needing.Am loving my new PUR water filter dispenser... along w/ some Dixie cups and the little ones may stop drinking out of the toothbrush cup. (GROSS!!!) Hit the grocery store and have homemade pasta sauce (with plenty of hidden juiced veggies...take that picky kids!!) simmering on the stove. Am trying to do some baking but I can't get in to the Pink Room to get the banana bread recipe that Marie was so sweet and posted for me. All that AND I managed to enjoy some sunshine w/ the crazies! I rented Planet 51 to watch with the kiddos and 2012 to watch after they go to sleep. It's good to be human again.
March 13, 2010
March 11, 2010
Today's Love/Hate 3/11/10
LOVE: The Inbetweeners on BBCA. Just more proof that British shit is better. I LOVE this show. It is hilarious!! The type of hilarious where it's a good thing you've got Tivo because you're laughing so hard you miss the next line. One of the highlights on my week to be honest. If you haven't seen it yet I highly suggest you check out an episode. Be warned though, it is most definitely not PG humor!!
HATE: I hate being sick. I have caught every fricking thing to come down the pike this winter and it blows. Currently my throat hurts, my head hurts, my nose is stuffed up, and I am exhausted. Add to this PMS and it's a wonder anyone in my family is still speaking to me. Ick. I will NOT skip my flu shot next year!!!
HATE: I hate being sick. I have caught every fricking thing to come down the pike this winter and it blows. Currently my throat hurts, my head hurts, my nose is stuffed up, and I am exhausted. Add to this PMS and it's a wonder anyone in my family is still speaking to me. Ick. I will NOT skip my flu shot next year!!!
March 9, 2010
Today's Love/Hate 3/9/10
Ju Ju Be's new spring line. This company is amazing, their products are amazing... I was heartbroken to be outgrowing them as I no longer have much need for diaper bags. Lo and behold they rope me back into obession with their new Legacy Collection. A new earth friendly faux leather... that is machine washable!!! I have been known to spend a few hundred dollars on gorgeous leather bags in the past but always ended up selling them because I was just too afraid of something happening to them. I am NOT a careful kinda gal. I want to look cute and chic but I don't want to worry about a kid getting something sticky on my bag or rain, dirt, etc. These bags are just amazingly gorgeous looking "leather", have the JJB attention to detail, and the JJB durability!!! I so cannot wait for May to get my hands on some!!! I am for sure starting with the Behave (right now my mind is set on Brown) and a Brown BeMajor (love this wallet now, LOVE the envy lining and the look of the wallet in leather!!) Now, to lose 50lbs to "earn" the bag from TJ!!
Check out the bags here: And when they're available for purchase be sure to come back here and follow my link so I can cash in on your shopping. ;)
Hmmm, nothing poignant or thoughtful comes to mind. I'd like to point out some terrible injustice in the world but so far today I haven't read any news/etc. so nothing is bugging me. How 'bout Kate Gosselin? I mean seriously... Dancing with the Stars? Has anyone missed the "star" portion of that? Plus she's a hateful, mean, naggy, fake bitch and I really really dislike her. Wait, not just dislike... I HATE her.
Ju Ju Be's new spring line. This company is amazing, their products are amazing... I was heartbroken to be outgrowing them as I no longer have much need for diaper bags. Lo and behold they rope me back into obession with their new Legacy Collection. A new earth friendly faux leather... that is machine washable!!! I have been known to spend a few hundred dollars on gorgeous leather bags in the past but always ended up selling them because I was just too afraid of something happening to them. I am NOT a careful kinda gal. I want to look cute and chic but I don't want to worry about a kid getting something sticky on my bag or rain, dirt, etc. These bags are just amazingly gorgeous looking "leather", have the JJB attention to detail, and the JJB durability!!! I so cannot wait for May to get my hands on some!!! I am for sure starting with the Behave (right now my mind is set on Brown) and a Brown BeMajor (love this wallet now, LOVE the envy lining and the look of the wallet in leather!!) Now, to lose 50lbs to "earn" the bag from TJ!!
Check out the bags here: And when they're available for purchase be sure to come back here and follow my link so I can cash in on your shopping. ;)
Hmmm, nothing poignant or thoughtful comes to mind. I'd like to point out some terrible injustice in the world but so far today I haven't read any news/etc. so nothing is bugging me. How 'bout Kate Gosselin? I mean seriously... Dancing with the Stars? Has anyone missed the "star" portion of that? Plus she's a hateful, mean, naggy, fake bitch and I really really dislike her. Wait, not just dislike... I HATE her.
Diaper bags,
Ju Ju Be,
Kate Gosselin,
Another fresh start
After having several partially updated Blogs, sites, etc. over the years I have decided to consolidate and to post more often. :) Since I am everything to everyone (well, in my tiny world anyway!!) why not talk about it all in one spot?!
The main concentration of my admittedly weak blogging efforts have been my "F It List" which is the list of things I keep meaning to do but my big buts always get in the way. BUT I'm too fat. BUT I'm too busy. BUT I'll have to get a sitter. BUT I'm too old. BUT I'm too shy. BUT I'm too lazy, comfortable, complacent, afraid, etc. etc. etc. NO MORE BUTS!!!
I've made pretty good progress on some of The List (yes, I even think of it in capital letters) lately but not daily progress as was my goal for 2010. Life does tend to get in the way. Again with the BUTS. I am happy to report the following:
**I have been to the GYN for full check up. Had to go for a mammogram... ultrasound on one breast tomorrow as follow up. Ick.
**I have been to my general Doc for a full check up. I am anemic which he thinks explains my headaches and fatigue. Taking an iron supplement and go back in 3 months to check in. Everything else is ship shape despite my weight. I love Dr. Nasser and am glad I got in to see him. I feel better knowing I'm not on the verge of diabetes, etc.
**Max is in full on potty training mode. Yay!! Down to diapers at night and an accident every now and again. Luckily after the whole "missing poop" incident they have all been just wet accidents.
**TJ took me for SUSHI!! It was unexpected and really sweet of him since he normally makes fun of the list. The best part is that I LOVE IT and have been craving it ever since!!!
**House organization was going well but is back to chaos. I'm doing another kid crap purge. On the plus side the garage is all cleaned out and set up as our boxing area.
**I LOVE boxing!! It's super fun. I need to get some weights for the stand but I really do like it.
**We have plans to take the kids camping this summer (and lots of fishing trips!!)
**I have been trying to spend more time with the kids doing active stuff like bike rides with Cole or Bball with Taylor. Even TJ has been doing it too sometimes which is good.
The main concentration of my admittedly weak blogging efforts have been my "F It List" which is the list of things I keep meaning to do but my big buts always get in the way. BUT I'm too fat. BUT I'm too busy. BUT I'll have to get a sitter. BUT I'm too old. BUT I'm too shy. BUT I'm too lazy, comfortable, complacent, afraid, etc. etc. etc. NO MORE BUTS!!!
I've made pretty good progress on some of The List (yes, I even think of it in capital letters) lately but not daily progress as was my goal for 2010. Life does tend to get in the way. Again with the BUTS. I am happy to report the following:
**I have been to the GYN for full check up. Had to go for a mammogram... ultrasound on one breast tomorrow as follow up. Ick.
**I have been to my general Doc for a full check up. I am anemic which he thinks explains my headaches and fatigue. Taking an iron supplement and go back in 3 months to check in. Everything else is ship shape despite my weight. I love Dr. Nasser and am glad I got in to see him. I feel better knowing I'm not on the verge of diabetes, etc.
**Max is in full on potty training mode. Yay!! Down to diapers at night and an accident every now and again. Luckily after the whole "missing poop" incident they have all been just wet accidents.
**TJ took me for SUSHI!! It was unexpected and really sweet of him since he normally makes fun of the list. The best part is that I LOVE IT and have been craving it ever since!!!
**House organization was going well but is back to chaos. I'm doing another kid crap purge. On the plus side the garage is all cleaned out and set up as our boxing area.
**I LOVE boxing!! It's super fun. I need to get some weights for the stand but I really do like it.
**We have plans to take the kids camping this summer (and lots of fishing trips!!)
**I have been trying to spend more time with the kids doing active stuff like bike rides with Cole or Bball with Taylor. Even TJ has been doing it too sometimes which is good.
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